Repeat prescriptions

How to order a prescription

The safest and quickest way to order your repeat prescription is online. If you have not already registered for this, please speak to one of our team.

If you cannot use this service please call our 24-hour prescription line on 0191 427 3140. This is a message recording service, so please have a list of the items you wish to order ready, and speak slowly and clearly. This number can be used for questions about your medication. Please note this line is not for booking appointments.

Please remember to allow two working days before collecting your repeat prescription.

Your prescription can now be sent to a pharmacist of your choice for you to collect. Please remember to nominate a pharmacist next time you order.

If you contact the surgery about online access, you will be able to book appointments, view your medical records and order repeat prescriptions online.

Electronic repeat dispensing

We are currently expanding our use of electronic repeat dispensing. Rather than having to request a prescription every time you need it, for many stable long-term medications, we can make several prescriptions available to the pharmacy in advance, without the need for you or the pharmacy to contact us. For many stable long-term drugs this could be for up to a year.

Please attend any blood tests or medication reviews when requested, to help us make the maximum safe number of your prescriptions available.

By cutting out a step in the ordering process, we can speed up the ordering of your medications, as they will be available direct from your pharmacy without needing to contact the practice. Pharmacy processing times will still apply.

Some medications cannot be included. These include:

  • Medications that are overdue for blood test monitoring
  • Medications that are not yet at a stable long term dose
  • Controlled drugs
  • Medications where ordering patterns are important in monitoring your condition, such as Salbutamol inhalers

If only some of your medications are suitable, the ones that are suitable will be converted to electronic repeat dispensing, and you will only need to contact the surgery for the items that are not on repeat dispensing.

If you need to order medications that are not on repeat dispensing, just do so in the normal way. The easiest way is to do this on the practice website.