Electronic repeat dispensing

Central Surgery are currently in the process of expanding Electronic Repeat Dispensing

What is it?

Rather than needing to request every prescription from the surgery every time you need it, for many stable long term medications the practice will make several prescriptions available to the pharmacy ahead of time for when they are needed, without the need for your or the pharmacy to contact the surgery. For many stable long term drugs this could be up to a year.

What do I need to do?

Nothing different, the surgery will be gradually moving suitable prescriptions to this format over the next few months.

Make sure you attend any blood tests or medication reviews when requested to allow us to make the maximum safe number of your prescriptions available for you.

What are the benefits?

By cutting out a step in the ordering process this should result in faster ordering of your medications as they will be available direct from your pharmacy without needing to contact the practice. Pharmacy processing times will still apply discuss this with your pharmacy.

Are any medications not included?

yes, medications that are overdue blood test monitoring,

medications that are not yet at a stable long term dose,

controlled drugs,

medication that ordering patterns are important in monitoring your condition such as Salbutamol inhalers

What if only some of my medications are suitable

Those medications suitable for repeat dispensing will be converted and you will only need to contact the surgery for the items that are not on repeat dispensing.

How do I order medications not on repeat dispensing?

In exactly the same ways as you do now, the easiest way is via the repeat prescriptions button on our website.