Information for Transgender Patients and LGBTQ+ Community

In South Tyneside any healthcare professional at your practice can refer you to a local ‘trans-health care coordinator’ who will support people aged 18 years or over and identify as trans or non-binary who would like advice, guidance and support, please speak to the practice if you would like a referall.

Our practice supports anyone who wishes to change their title and/or gender on their NHS records. We are committed to providing inclusive care to transgender and gender diverse patients. Below you can find information on making changes to your NHS record and ways for our LGBTQ+ community to receive support.

Changing your name on your NHS records: You can request to change your name on your medical records at anytime, however we will need proof of your name change prior to doing this, the practice will only accept a change of name deed poll or a gender recognition certificate as evidence.

Changing your gender marker on your NHS record: Patients may wish to request a gender change on their patient record at any time and do not need to have undergone any form of gender reassignment treatment in order to do so. When you change gender marker, a new medical record is created. The surgery will transfer relevant information into your new record, but will remove instances relating to your previous gender, pronouns and names. Please note it is not possible to transfer all of your record like for like and some parts of your previous record may not be able to be transferred into your new record. When changing your gender marker on your medical records the practice will submit a new NHS number for yourself to the PCSE (Primary Care Support England), it can take a few months in some instances for us to receive your new NHS number, once we have received it we will inform yourself via SMS/Email of your new NHS number. It will then be the patients responsibility to inform any secondary care services of their new NHS number, as your previous NHS number will become obsolete. This process is not reversible, and if a patient reverts back to their original gender marker, they would then receive a third NHS number.

Support for our LBGTQ+ community:

If you are a young person aged 11-25 here in the north east we have a charity to provide support and information. Humankind North East run youth groups every month, if you would like to attend one of these groups get in touch via their website: or call 01325731160.

AKT Newcastle support LGBTQ+ young people aged 16-25 at risk of or experiencing homelessness or living in a hostile environment, visit the website for more information

Gender Dysphoria Service:

If you are aged 17+ you can see your GP for a referral to the Gender Identity Clinic for more information on this clinic visit Please contact reception if you would like to be referred.

Young People:



  • Supports trans and gender-diverse children, young people, and their families.
  • Helpline available Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to 9.00 pm.

Contact details:

  • Phone: 0808 801 0400