Helpful links for young people

General health

  • The NHS website offers advice on all types of conditions and medicines
  • Patient provides reliable advice on medical problems

Mental health

  • South Tyneside Lifecycle offers counselling and other support. You don’t need a referral – you can contact the team direct for help.
  • Online self help guides covering topics including sleep problems, anxiety, self harm anger and many more
  • Doc Ready: If discussing mental health problems for the first time feels daunting, Doc Ready offers advice on preparing yourself for discussing this with a doctor for the first time.
  • Kooth offers free, safe and anonymous online support for young people.
  • Young Minds is a charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health.
  • Childline offers help with exam stress.

Sexual health

  • South Tyneside Sexual Health Service offers testing, treatment and contraception advice, free condoms and home testing of some infections.
  • Sexwise offers honest advice about contraception, pregnancy, STIs and pleasure.


  • Talk to Frank for free confidential advice on drugs.
  • Matrix provides help and support people under 18 in South Tyneside whose lives have been affected by drug and alcohol misuse or those who are at risk of developing drug and alcohol problems.